UFO-Alien Database
Grey alien

Grey alien

The Greys is one of the more well known Extraterrestrial species that have (and still) visited Earth. It's unclear why they come to Earth and what they want, however many confirmed reports over the last five decades prove that this highly advanced race of beings come to the Human world for a purpose. What that purpose is has yet to be revealed.

The origin of the Grey species is open for debate considering the evidence found that suggest they have been visiting Earth for thousands of years. According to reports, Greys come in two distinct morphs that differ in height. Abductees say that they recognize the leader of their abductors by its "demeanor." Their increased authority, height, and apparently more complex psychology have caused some abduction researchers to wonder if the taller morph is the only "Grey" type to be biologically alive and if the shorter "form" could be their artificially constructed robot or cyborg servants.

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